Die US-amerikanische Automobilindustrie und ihre Gewerkschaftsstruktur: Geschichte, Struktur, Bedeutung - und Perspektiven
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Von der UAW gibt es jeweils eine gemeinsame Seite mit den Unternehmen, die sich der beruflichen Weiterbildung widmen.
Bei GM gibt es einen weltweiten workers blog, in dem sich vor allem Betriebsräte bzw ähnliche zu Wort melden. Der „GM workers blog“: http://www.gmworkersblog.com/ 
(Einige seit längerem nicht mehr bestückt – andere, wie „The barking dog“ aus Kalifornien, aus Werken, die Anfang 2010 geschlossen werden sollen).
American Axle Union Employees. This group will hopefully bring union employees from all of the AAM plants together to discuss management policies, union representation, or contract issues. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aamunionemployees/ 
AAM Local 424 "a forum where members of American Axle and Manufacturing Inc. Local 424 may discuss issues and post documents germane to the UAW Local 424 general membership." http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/aamlocal424/ 
Autoworkers Online: http://p4.forumforfree.com/autoworkersonli.html 
The Barking Dog / El Perro Ladrador / Ang Asong Kumakahol. "An unofficial newsletter put out by Caroline Lund, a rank-and-file member of UAW Local 2244 at the New United Motor Manuf., Inc. (NUMMI) plant in Fremont, CA." NOTE: we are sad to report that Caroline Lund recently passed away (11/2/06) http://geocities.com/abarkingdog/ 
CAWLocal 1285.com. "I feel I am forced into taking a stand because the CAW & DCX seem to be attempting to restrict my right to free speech by refusing to allow me to state my unique perspectives on the issues of the day." http://www.cawlocal1285.com/ 
Change Your Union - the People's Party of Local 1853. "It is our goal to change the role of the Chairman and get the rest of the E-Board re-focused on their real job.......representing the people that they work for....that would be you and I, the members of Local 1853." http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/change_your_union/ 
Factory Rats. "Your dynamic voice for solidarity." http://www.factoryrat.com/factoryrat/index.php 
Flint Solidarity "a group of rank and file, grassroots individuals from the Flint area, who have gathered to take action to support workers in their struggles for justice" http://www.flintsolidarity.org/ 
Future of the Union. "We want to promote knowledge to all members so that they can effectively govern their unions. Only by realizing that times have changed can we competently take the steps to direct our unions into the new millennia." A site for members of all unions. http://www.futureoftheunion.com 
GM Gypsy. "Blue collar workers who would otherwise be isolated to their own local problems with corporate irresponsibility, can now reach across the internet to each other in solidarity." http://www.gmgypsy.com/ 
Live Bait and Ammo and In the Crosshairs. Writings by Greg Shotwell "the #1 activist/writer in the UAW" http://www.greggshotwell.net/
MMNA Members Network Portal. "for the enjoyment of, and as a networking resource for members of [UAW local 2488]." http://mmnamembers.com/ 
Meatballs. "a newsletter put out occasionally at the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant (SHAP) of DaimlerChrysler...mainly directed to the skilled trades but many issues are relevant to all union members in the plant, the corporation, industry and society."
Members for Change, UAW Local 974. "an attempt to form a coalition of grass roots change...to inspire and inform UAW members and other unionists, as well as non union working people concerned about the economic future of all working people." http://www.tapsnews.com/index.html 
New Directions Movement. NDM's purpose is to strengthen the UAW from within by building an educated, unified movement of rank and file UAW members. http://www.uawndm.org/uawndm/ 
The Offbeat. http://www.theoffbeat.com/ 
Phillip Bannowsky - Autoworker. "Dismemberment and Redemption on assembly lines, in immigrant ghettos, and in the prison cells of Delaware."
Quorum 325. "a web page edited by Dennis Gallie for the autoworkers of UAW Local 325" http://www.9898.us/quorum325/index.html 
Soldiers of Solidarity. "Dedicated to those who are the Warriors in the struggle for justice on the shop floor... I will post events, resources and articles in order to arm you with the ammuntion to stand against Managements schemes."
Soldiers of Solidarity Unite. "dedicated to the Warriors of the shop floor. You will find here information, knowledge that will help you in your workplace."
Solidarity Now. "a network of ordinary working people coming together on the shared values of solidarity and common good."
The Sophie Flyer by Tom Laney, Local 879 . Flyers and links to speeches and a rank-and-file message board.
The Uncensored Auto Worker , Local 594 dissenter. "A "Union gathering" for visiting Members. It is NOT an official publication of Local 594, but it DOES represent a free assembly."
The Union Times. "To inform, educate, provide useful information, and to Unite all our American Axle and Manufacturing Brothers and Sisters nationally and Internationally. This is YOUR site. Your participation is crucial to our success."
Union Members for a Better Union . Website of a reform group in UAW local 12 in Toledo. http://www.ppeej.com 
Union Members Rights http://union-members-rights.tripod.com/ 
Unofficial UAW 164.com http://www.uaw164.com/Index.htm 
UAW Crisis . "change is in the air" http://www.9898.us/uawcrisis/ 
UAW Forum http://www.uawforum.com 
UAW Info . This web site is for all UAW members or Non- UAW member Countrywide that would like to post their personal opinion on how they been treated throughout the years as an employee
UAW Local 1976 Info. "August 31, 2005 marks the 2,500th visitor... An International UAW staffer...has won a copy of On Bullshit by Harry Frankfurt for helping us past this benchmark. This is a most appropriate gift for an UAW staffer, though s/he may know more about the subject than Professor Frankfurt."
UAW Rank-N-File E-mail & Discussion Lists . A list maintaned by Future of the Union's Todd M. Jordan
UAW Wildcats. "a rank-and-file democracy group dedicated, in the strongest possible terms, to the future of OUR UNION."
Willie Lambert "My name is Willie Lambert and I'm asking for your support in my bid to be elected CAW National President."
Working4Writers A campaign website for members of the National Writers Union. http://www.working4writers.org/index.html