LabourNet Germany

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To the personnel of ADtranz, Nuremberg Nov. 1999

Dear colleagues,

we are shocked that your jobs at ADtranz shall be destroyed just as at Cebal, at ABB Alstom, at ABB Turbine and at Mahr. This is a deep incision not only for yourself, but for our whole city.

We also are concerned. Because where will our children find jobs, if more and more factories in Nuremberg are closed. Therefore each job has to be defended, this is our quest.

Railway vehicles are needed, because for the protection of the environment more traffic must be transferred to rail. Hence, it is in the interest of all of us to fight for your jobs.

The owner of your company, who has passed the resolutions for the annihilation of jobs, had enough money to buy Chrysler. It is one of the most powerful combines of the world. With the resolution to shutdown your factory, it aims at a further profit increase. Those, who already have the most, can not get enough. It is time that they perceive determined resistance from below, otherwise the way of their logic of profit will lead to more and more misery.

We consider it as our task, to do what we can to support you.

Speakers of the union council at Semikron, Nuremberg
(Vertrauenskörper-Leitung Semikron, Nürnberg)

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LabourNet Germany:
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The virtual meeting place of the left in the unions and in the workplace
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