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Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Eine neue Strömung in der Arbeiterbewegung... Die Streikwelle, die Ägypten seit Ende 2006 prägt, geht weiter - erst in diesen Tagen beendeten die Belegschaften zweier Düngemittelfabriken ihre Streikaktionen einigermassen erfolgreich. Wenn eine solche Bewegung ein Land monatelang prägt, kann es kaum wundern, wenn sich dabei auch politische Strömungen neu formieren oder neu entstehen. Das Manifest der Arbeiter des 7. Dezember - "Workers for Change" (mit dieser Namensgebung reihen sie sich in die Seiten der allgemein-gesellschaftlichen "Veränderungsbewegung" ein) wurde im Juni 2007 publiziert und hat bereits eine Reihe positiver Antworten aus anderen Belegschaften erhalten - im August 2007 wurde diese englisch übersetzte Fassung verbreitet. To All Egyptian Workers - Announcement from the December 7th Movement – Workers For Change First: The December 7th Movement (Workers For Change) is purely a workers movement with the association of all honorable Egyptian workers in all variety of workplaces on Egyptian soil. The movement does not belong to political parties or holds any political or religious leanings. We grew out of the Ghazl Al Mahalla uprising on 7 December, 2006. The goal of the movement is unification of the ranks of all Egyptian workers in all of the diverse workplaces so they can have political, economic and social weight, and have a prominent role in defining the direction of Egyptian politics in all aspects of political, economic and social life. Therefore the December 7th Movement (Workers for Change) has taken the initiative and is issuing this first statement and has been sent to a few newspapers to be published. A definition and goals of the movement was needed after Egypt was swept by a series of workers strikes in the previous period making it necessary for the movement announce itself. One of its first goals is to not recognize official worker representatives such as the workers syndicates and the workers union which have proven to everyone they have abandoned workers legal demands. (These representatives) specifically reached their positions by rigging their elections with not one of them actually being elected but threw themselves into the ruling system and became allied with corruption in harming the interest of workers and even contributing to squandering national wealth by joining in and selling Egypt at the lowest prices and agreeing to unjust laws that increase hardship for workers. This has led to a degradation of (workers) standard of living and a deterioration of society for the Egyptian people in exchange for bribes, kickbacks, plundering, theft, corruption, nepotism and counterfeit elections in their favor in all aspects of life, in the parliament or in the syndicate. So the question which now presents itself is how long will this state of affairs continue with us in a continuous deterioration of wages, out of control prices and the monopolization of every single thing until the country is monopolized and destroyed or goes to a point where we find ourselves unable to find the country we live in and become Egyptian refugees? – Should we wait until that happens? – of course not. We will not wait, for the time has come for us to rise up as one hand and shout in one loud voice to put an end to this corruption, tyranny, injustice, subjugation and humiliation and wipe out all of this and take back the rights, first among them freedom and democracy, from the thieves, robbers and hypocrites in this country we suffer from. Let’s go workers of Egypt and fear nothing. Now is the time to carry out what is agreed upon with the decision makers who are the president of the Egyptian Federation, the Minister of Labour, and doctor the Minister of Investment with the demands the Ghazal Al Mahalla workers which are: 1- Increase the percentage of incentives by 100 percent
from the basic salary adding to the monthly incentives. Our time is 21 July, 2007, to build a new free nation if these demands – which all Egyptian workers, not just Al Mahalla workers – have never benefited and history bears witness to this. December 7th Movement (Workers for Change) |