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Updated: 18.12.2012 16:09

Play Fair at the Olympics 2004

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“Sew-in” in Athens to highlight problems faced by sportswear workers

“The Play Fair at the Olympics campaign today staged an action in Athens on the eve of the opening of the Olympic games in solidarity with sportswear workers worldwide. Twenty women gathered on an Athens rooftop to mark a silent protest staged by the Play Fair at the Olympics campaign. Play Fair held a “sew-in”, featuring “faceless” activists, operating sewing machines against the backdrop of the Acropolis. The action was staged in order to highlight the appalling working conditions experienced by hundreds of thousands of workers in the sportswear industry….” Bericht über die Aktion der Play Fair-Kampagne in ICFTU ONLINE vom 10.8.2004 externer Link

Migrant Workers Could End Up Losers

A group of non-white labourers is busy planting shrubs by the side of the main Olympics stadium in Athens. The Greek contractor overseeing them is a man in a hurry. One group of labourers is taking the little shrubs and sticking them in. Another is laying a network of black pipes to keep them watered under the burning August sun. Within hours the land to the side of a road bridge has been 'landscaped', and yet another stretch of land has become 'green'. The soil does not look like it can host the plants very long. But the first aim is to keep them that way until Aug. 29 when the Olympics end (after starting Aug. 13). A conversation with one of the workers who appeared to be a Pakistani turned out to be very brief. "It is very hot and it's a lot of work but I'm not complaining," he told IPS. "I am used to heat, so that is okay. But I have not stopped working. Hardly time to sleep, and the contractor brings us back again."…” Artikel von Sanjay Suri in IPS-News vom 9.8.04externer Link


Play Fair bei Olympia – Arbeitsbedingungen in der Sportbekleidungsindustrie. Deutschsprachiger Report zur Kampagne externer Link pdf-Datei. Er dokumentiert die Zeugnisse von ArbeiterInnen in Bulgarien, Kambodscha, Thailand, China, Indonesien und der Türkei

Englischer Flyer der Kampagne externer Link pdf-Datei

Die englische Kampagnenseite externer Link beinhaltet Proteste an die Hersteller und viele weitere Infos

Play Fair. Respect workers’ rights in the sportswear industry externer Link Die internationale Kampagnenseite

Play Fair bei Olympiaexterner Link Die deutschsprachige schweizerische Kampagnenseite

Olympischer Friedhof. Olympische Spiele 2004 in Athen unter Internationales / Griechenland

The news you're not hearing from Athens Olympics 2004. Full coverage of the trade union movement and the Games in Athens externer LinkSonderseite bei Labourstart

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