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Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51
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Gewerkschaftsführer im Hungerstreik

Seit dem 16. Oktober befindet sich Alexander Zakharkin, Führer der unabhängigen Gewerkschaft Profsvoboda, im Hungerstreik. Er sah sich dazu gezwungen, nachdem ihm die Unternehmensleitung unter fadenscheinigen Vorwänden den Lohn drastisch gekürzt hatte. Hintergrund dürften allerdings die gewerkschaftlichen Aktivitäten des Mannes sein, die der Unternehmensführung schon lange eine Dorn im Auge waren. Zakharkin ist Führer der ersten unabhängigen Gewerkschaft der Öl- und Gasarbeiter in Russland und nicht der einzige Gewerkschafter, der sich im Hungerstreik befindet, weil sein Lohn willkürlich gekürzt wurde. Dabei ist anzumerken, dass eine solche Kürzung (im Fall von Zakharkin von ca. 600 $ auf 116 $) lebensgefährliche Folgen haben kann, da benötigte Rezepte nicht mehr bezahlt werden können. Die englische Übersetzung eines Artikels in der russischen "Wperjod" mit den russischen Links und der Bitte um Solidaritätsschreiben und Protestbriefe

RUSSIA: Independent trade union leader forced to announce hunger strike

On October 16 Alexander Zakharkin, leader of the PROFSVOBODA trade union, truck crane machinist of OJSC"Surgutneftegaz" announced a forced hunger strike.
The fact is that the company's management used petty pretext to punish Alexander Zakharkin for his trade union activity and completely withheld his monthly bonus i.e. de facto fined him. As a result instead of getting the usual for oil workers of the region 15-18 thousand roubles (equivalent of $ 550 -670 US) which barely cover necessary expenses due to deer prices in the far north of Russia he received a monthly wage of just 3182 roubles (about $ 118 US).

In his letter of October 18 Alexander writes: «On Monday I ran out of money and so I do not eat. I wonder how long it will last? I am not intending to die - I still hope for the state. When I get sick and I'm no longer able to work - they will have to take m to the hospital and prescribe a recipe (I am curious to see what kind of menu they will prescribe me?) And if I do not have money to
pay this recipe, what will the state and employer do?»

However, when, on Friday, October 20 he applied to the hospital for medical help he was turned down: «...i was dizzy, tired ect. The doctor decided that I could operate truck crane and if I felt sick I could apply for medical aid in the workshop. When I asked when I could rely on the state help not to die from hunger, likewise those deprived the "bonus" of "Surgutneftegaz" i.e. when I coul get to the hospital in order to get some food there, the doctor told me that if my condition got worse I could call an ambulance».

By his hunger strike the leader of the first independent union of oil and gas workers of Russia is trying o draw attention to the problems of the industry' s workers and as he put it "go to the end to set an order of actions which will help those who do not have money for food - pensioners and people who got into the hands of "Surgutneftegaz".

Àlexander Zakharkin - is not the only oil worker on hunger strike. In his letter on previon actions of oil workers externer Link the journalist of "Novaya gazeta" specifically reports: «While Nizhnevartovsk and other Siberian cities were getting ready for meetings Alexander Ostrovidov who had worked in Megion for over 20 years went on hunger strike. He sat down right on the street, in the cold - in front of Megionneftegaz office. His stry is trivial to the local year -the bosses had lowered his grade. He was almost on pension bur the ostrovidov's patience was exhausted. If he does not change his mind, he will probably get fired. And that he will not get the bonus - one can be sure of that».

We ask all who supports independent trade union movement in the oil and gas industry to support the demands of oil and gas workers expressed in the join resolution externer Link

Please sent solidarity letters for Àlexander Zakharkin to his e-mail:

The protest letters should be sent to the general Director of Surgutneftegas Mr. Bogdanov:
secret_b@surgutneftegas.ru externer Link

The detailed information of oil workers struggle of Hunti-mansi autonomous region of Russia can be obtained from the PROFSVOBODA web site: profsvoboda.narod.ru externer Link

Quelle: http://www.vpered.org.ru/solidarity17.html externer Link

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