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Home > Internationales > Südkorea > Arbeitskampf > generalstreik05 | |
Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Ab 1. Dezember : Generalstreik - zur "Verteidigung irregulär Beschäftigter" Einen kompletten "Streikplan" hat die Leitung des Gewerkschaftsbundes KCTU für den zunächst auf eine Woche geplanten Generalstreik ab 1. Dezember ausgearbeitet: Ziel der Kampfwoche ist es, die Regierung zu zwingen Maßnahmen zum Schutz der "irregulär Beschäftigten" zu treffen. Wir dokumentieren die (englische) "Strike directive" vom 25. November 2005. KCTU General Strike Directive No. 2 1. Fundamental Policy 1) All the KCTU affiliated go into overall general strike from 10 p.m. on December 1. 2) Each union is to hold its kickoff rally in the morning and participate in regional rally to join the general strike in the afternoon. 3) All members of the union are requested to attend afternoon general strike rally sponsored by regional centers (city/district councils) and to go to the street for a parade before or after the rally. Joint rallies and joint struggles should be organized actively with farmers' organizations and progressive forces. 4) At 3 o'clock in every afternoon, a rally is to be held in front of the Parliament building by striking workers of the capital (Seoul) region. 5) Efforts should be developed to establish solidarity with Korean Farmers League, Korean People's Solidarity (KPS), Democratic Labor Party and civic and social organizations. 2. Detailed Direction 1) From November 28 on, nationwide simultaneous street propaganda is to be organized by means of banners and propaganda cars. # slogans: For a legislation to protect irregular employees; No to rice trade liberalization to eliminate agriculture! 2) Overnight sit-ins are to be organized to promote a successful general strike by all the striking unions. An information center will be set up. 3) Organizational efforts are required to engage all union membership in the general strike. 4) A large-scale national propaganda campaign should be developed to raise consciousness of all union membership on the general strike. 5) Efforts are to be concentrated to achieve solidarity with all progressive organizations. 3. Schedule 1st day of the General Strike: December 1 (Thursday): Day of Determination for the Victorious General Strike, demanding a legislation to protect irregular employees and opposing to rice trade liberalization to eliminate agriculture 2nd day of the General Strike: December 2 (Friday): Day of Struggle demanding the Parliament and the Government to legislate a law to protect irregular employees; General Strike Cultural Festival: December 3 (Saturday): A Joint Cultural Festival with regional inhabitants National Mobilization Struggle: December 4 (Sunday) Day of People's Solidarity in front of the Parliament Building 3rd day of the General Strike: December 5 (Monday): Day of demanding three fundamental laws for employees with special status 4th day of the General Strike: December 6 (Tuesday): Day to demand abolishment of unlawful dispatched workers 5th day of the General Strike: December 7 (Wednesday): Day of Workers=Farmers Solidarity in simultaneous and multiple rallies, combined with street propaganda at the start and the end of working hours 6th day of the General Strike: December 8 (Thursday): Day of General Mobilization 7th day of the General Strike: December 9 (Friday): Day of National Workers¬π Rally for a perfect achievement of a legislation to protect irregular employees |