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Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Massendrohung in Santander Paramilitärische Mordbanden haben diesmal in Santander nicht einzelne GewerkschafterInnen bedroht, sondern in einem offenem Drohbrief unter dem Titel "Unternehmen ohne Gewerkschaften" gleich die Gewerkschaftsorganisationen - und ihre VertreterInnen - ganzer Betriebe. Gleich 13 FunktionärInnen und AktivistInnen sozialer Gruppierungen und verschiedener Gewerkschaften wurden namentlich in einem am 13. Juli eingegangenen Brief aufgeführt. Der Brief, mit der Überschrift "POR COLOMBIA EMPRESAS LIBRES DE SINDICALISTAS Y GUERRILLEROS" bezeichnet GewerkschafterInnen und Guerilleros als "Würmer", die den Bezirk verlassen müssten, sonst würden Todes"urteile" vollstreckt. Die (englische) Solidaritätsmail "URGENT ACTION FOR THE LIFE OF TRADE UNIONISTS IN SANTANDER" der Colombia Solidarity Campaign vom 15. Juli 2005, samt Musterprotesten. URGENT ACTION FOR THE LIFE OF TRADE UNIONISTS IN SANTANDER Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), Barrancabermeja We wish to denounce to national and international public opinion, the threats against the trade union movement in Santander, Colombia, carried out by AUC paramilitaries of the Bolivar Central Block (BCB) who have recently entered the process of demobilisation and peace negotiations between the AUC and the government of Alvaro Uribe Velez. This is one more example of violation by the paramilitaries of the supposed "CEASE-FIRE" and end to hostilities against the civilian population that is one of the prerequisites of the current peace negotiations. The most recent threat comes in the form of an operation named "COMPANIES WITHOUT UNIONS". This operation is part of a wider national programme developed by government and national and transnational companies to destroy trade unionism in Colombia. The following threatening document was received on 13 July 2005: "Death Certificate- Companies free from trade unionists and guerrillas in Colombia. The Bolivar Central Block [of the AUC] have commissioned a squadron named"Companies without Unions" to clear all trade unions and the servile worms of the FARC guerrilla from the city of Bucaramanga. First warning; All those involved in any trade union/guerrilla activity must immediately leave the department of Santander. Second warning: If this first warning is not heeded, then we will impose a death sentence on CAROLINA RUBIO, GABRIEL GONZALEZ, CESAR PLAZA, ADELA PENA, MARTHA DIAZ, WILLIAM RIVERO, JAIMES REYES, DAVID FLOREZ, RODRIGO CORDOBA, OSWALDO BONILLA, ALFONSO LEON, JORGE CADENA and WILSON FERRER." (4 of these comrades are from the CUT, 3 are popular leaders, 2 are from local trade unions, 1 is a sacked worker, 1 is a displaced person and 2 are leaders of the political prisoners committee). We therefore ask the international community to make energetic protest demanding that the Colombian government: 1) Respect the lives of trade unionists in the Department of Santander and in the rest of the country, and to protect the free exercise of trade union activity as recognised by the Colombian constitution. 2) Take real measures to dismantle paramilitary structures throughout the country. 3) Ensure and end to the impunity enjoyed by the paramilitaries, and to ensure truth, justice and reparation for the victims of crimes committed by paramilitaries in Colombia. Please send messages of protest to (sample letter below):President Alvaro Uribe Velez: auribe@presidencia.gov.co Dear Sir, I am writing to express my concern for the safety of trade union and social leaders in the Department of Santander. In view of recent threats against the CUT made by the paramilitaries, I urge you to do all in your powers to protect the lives of CAROLINA RUBIO, GABRIEL GONZALEZ, CESAR PLAZA, ADELA PENA, MARTHA DIAZ, WILLIAM RIVERO, JAIMES REYES, DAVID FLOREZ, RODRIGO CORDOBA, OSWALDO BONILLA, ALFONSO LEON, JORGE CADENA and WILSON FERRER. I further request that the Colombian state properly monitor paramilitary activity by those groups with which you are currently conducting so called"peace negotiations" and to use the full force of the law to punish those paramilitaries who are in violation of their cease-fire. I urge you too, to ensure an end to the impunity enjoyed by the paramilitaries, and instead to ensure truth, justice and reparation for the victims of their crimes against humanity. Yours sincerely |