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Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Waffenstillstand? - Erneut zwei Todesopfer aus der Gewerkschaftsbewegung Am 20. und 21. August wurden erneut zwei Gewerkschafter Opfer des Terrors der kolumbianischen Paramilitärs. Der Aktivist der Agrikultur-Gewerkschaft SINTRAINAGRO Manual Antonio Florez wurde am 20.August in der Umgebung von Barrancabermeja in seinem Wagen von drei Schüssen tödlich getroffen. Am 21. August verschwand das Gewerkschaftsmitglied José Gualdron auf dem Weg zur Arbeit - und wurde drei Tage später tot in einem Palmenfeld gefunden. Die kolumbianische CUT unterstreicht in ihrem Solidaritätsaufruf, dass insbesondere in dem Bereich Magdalena Medio der "Bloque Central Bolivar" (eine der paramilitärischen Truppen, die in der AUC zusammengeschlossen sind) unter der Führung von Julian Bolivar und Ernesto Beaz weiter mordet, und dies den Segen der Regierung hat, da sie ihre Bedingung für Verhandlungen mit der AUC - Einhaltung des Waffenstillstandes - selbst mißachtet. Der (englische) Aufruf der CUT "Paramilitaries continue to assassinate the Colombian Trade Union Movement" vom 27.August 2005 (den wir hiermit kurz deutsch zusammengefasst haben) samt Mailadressen für Proteste. Paramilitaries continue to assassinate the Colombian Trade Union Movement The CUT (Central Unitaria de Trabajadores) Barrancabermeja denounces to the national and international community the assassination of our colleague MANUEL ANTONIO FLOREZ that occurred on the 20th of August in the rural area of Barrancerbermeja on the road leading to the hamlet of El Llanito, in front of the CAFABA recreational center. Our colleague was a member of SINTRAINAGRO, a worker in the palm company Oleaginosas las Brisas, and was driving when intercepted by assassins who shot him three times. This new attack against the trade union movement is just one further example of the failure of the AUC (Self Defence Forces of Colombia) ceasefire, which forms one of the central conditions of the negotiations taking place with the government of Alvaro Uribe Velez. While the Colombian government announces the demobilization of the paramilitaries the Bloque Central Bolivar under the command of JULIAN BOLIVAR and ERNESTO BEAZ continue to exterminate the trade union movement in this area of Magdalena Medio with the blessing of the Colombian government. We also wish to denounce the disappearance and then later the assassination of the worker JOSE GUALDRON who worked for the company BUCARELLA. This occurred on the 21st of August and three days later he was found shot in a palm field on the road between Puerto Wilches and the company. Because of the above: - We call on human rights defenders to send protest letters to the Colombian government concerning the events outlined - Ask the International Community to pressure the Colombian state in order to avoid the continued extermination of the trade union and social movement in our country. - That the Organization of American States (OAS) energetically make denouncements in relation to its role as an overseer in the process of 'Peace' with the Paramilitaries. Executive Committee of the CUT, Barrancabermeja 27 August 2005 PLEASE SEND MESSAGES TO: Dr. Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Presidencia de la República Cra. 8 No..7-26 Fax: (+57 1) 566.20.71 E-mail: auribe@presidencia.gov.co |