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Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Der Vorsitzende der Journalistengewerkschaft und mehrere demokratische Parteivertreter im Hungerstreik für demokratische Rechte In Tunesien findet demnächst der Weltgipfel der Information statt - in einem Land, dessen Regierung für ihre allgemeine Zensur berüchtigt ist und in dem mehrere junge Leute wegen ihrer Internet-Publikationen im Gefängnis sitzen. Parteien und Vereinigungen sind zwar prinzipiell erlaubt, aber faktisch nicht geduldet. Aus diesem Grund haben sieben Vertreter der demokratischen Opposition, darunter der Vorsitzende der tunesischen Journalistengewerkschaft Lotfi Haji in Tunis am 18. Oktober einen Hungerstreik begonnen. Die Hungerstreikenden vertreten drei grundlegende Forderungen: Vereinigungsfreiheit (wobei insbesondere auf die Unterdrückung und Behinderung der Arbeit der - legalen - tunesischen Magistratsvereinigung, der tunesischen Menschenrechtsliga und der Journalistengewerkschaft verwiesen wird), Medienfreiheit (wobei auf die permanente Pressezensur, die Verfolgung von Betreibern von Internetseiten und die Nichtzulassung von neuen Zeitungen verwiesen wird, und dabei die Abschaffung des letzteren Verfahrens gefordert wird und die Einrichtung eines regierungsunabhängigen Komitees) und die sofortige Freilassung aller politischen Gefangenen. Der (ins englische übersetzte, hiermit kurz deutsch zusammengefasste) Aufruf "CALL TO THE PUBLIC OPINION" vom 18. Oktober 2005. CALL TO THE PUBLIC OPINION Tunisia has been living for years a deterioration of its political, social and cultural situation. Freedoms reached, lately, an intolerable level of deprivation. During these last weeks, the regime seized the headquarters of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates [ATM] and installed at its head a puppet committee; in addition it fixed a jurisdictional decision to avoid the Human RightsLeague [LTDH] to hold its 6th national congress and, during the same period, banned the congress of the Tunisian Journalists Syndicate [SJT]. The situation of the political prisoners that has been lasting for more than a decade is alarmingly worsening: bad treatments and torture are bouncing back. Political parties which are deprived of the use of public spaces and any resources of political intervention are paralysed and literally besieged. These serious developments intervene at a time when important sectors of the civil society, lawyers, magistrates, journalists, academics, syndicates, militants of human rights defense, collectively expressed their aspiration for more freedom and a more important participation. They also intervene while Tunisia is ready to host next month, the World Summit for Information Society [WSIS]. Deliberately ignoring these aspirations, the regime increased repression these last days. It did not hesitate to prohibit meetings of local sections of the LTDH and to brutalize some of their members. On another hand, during political lawsuits, violating the principle of lawsuits exposure to the public, the regime prohibited the courtsaccess to the public and to observers. This systematic security option puts the social and political elites in front of a serious challenge: either accept the arbitrary use of force or face the the regime with peaceful means! To express their refusal of arbitrariness and to demand the respect of political and human rights of the Tunisian people, the signatories of this call, representatives of associations from the civil society and political parties, decided to undertake an unlimited hunger strike as from October 18, 2005 They claim: 1. Freedom of association by: Recognizing all associations and parties that claim a legal existence Removing all obstacles, which block the activity of associations and legally recognized parties, in particular the Tunisian Association of the Magistrates, the Tunisian League of Human Rights and the Tunisian Journalists Syndicate. 2. Freedom for the press and the media by: Stopping the censure striking the written media, publications and Internet sites ínsuspending pressures exerted on journalists Opening the audio-visual media to all schools of thought Instituting an independent and plural authority, which would deal with the control of this public utility Giving receipts to all newspapers which ask for the authorization to publish (while waiting for the abrogation of this unjust measure). 3. The immediate release of political prisoners The release of all political prisoners, Islamists, Net surfers, young people wrongfully accused of terrorism as well as the release of the lawyer Mohammed Abbou and the adoption of a general amnesty law. The hunger strikers launch a pressing call to all the democratic forces, associations, parties, independent personalities, to mobilize around this strike, bring any form of support to it and make succeed its claims, which are a prelude to Reforms and Democratic Change. Tunis le 18/10/2005 |