Home > Internationales > Südafrika > Arbeitskämpfe > shopritesoli
Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51
Aktuelle Meldungen im neuen LabourNet Germany

Solidarität mit den streikenden EinzelhändlerInnen

Seit drei Wochen streiken die Mehrheit der 52.000 Beschäftigten der Shoprite-Kette quer durch Südafrika. Die meisten Streikenden sind Frauen, die in der Regel in den Townships wohnen und den steigenden Preisen für Transport, Strom und Wasser ausgesetzt sind, weshalb sie Lohnerhöhungen von rund 300 Rand fordern. Der Kampf gegen diese steigenden Preise, die Privatisierung dieser Grundversorgung und das System, das sie hervorruft ist das Grundanliegen des Antiprivatisierungsforums - weshalb es auch naheliegend ist, dass das APF jetzt zur Solidarität mit den Streikenden aufruft - und zum Boykott von Shoprite. Die (englische) Pressemitteilung "The Anti-Privatisation Forum Calls Upon Communities to Support the Striking Workers at Shoprite Checkers" vom 31. August 2006.

The Anti-Privatisation Forum Calls Upon Communities to Support the Striking Workers at Shoprite Checkers

The majority of the workers at Shoprite/Checkers are women who are coming from our townships and taking care of working class families and children. These women work under dreadful working conditions and are paid starvation wages by the Shoprite/Checkers bosses.

The South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers' Union (Saccawu) demands the greater of a wage increase of R300 or 10 percent, as well as improved working conditions. Shoprite is offering R265. In a context where retail chief directors are earning 223 times more than the average worker, Shoprite's refusal to accede to the demands of workers is a clear demonstration of capitalist arrogance and greed. As a way of increasing its profits, Shoprite is one of the retail stores that continue to employ a large number of casual labourers.

The three-week long strike needs to be strengthened not only by the union and striking workers, but also communities. All of us must ensure that the 52 000 workers at Shoprite are on strike. This would hit hard on the profits of bosses.

Communities have an important role to play in ensuring that the workers' demands are met. Our strongest weapon is to boycott Shoprite/Checkers. In other words, we are appealing to communities not to buy from Shoprite and its related stores. A successful boycott of Shoprite will reduce the profits of the bosses. This will then compel the bosses to meet the demands of workers.

As an organisation that is struggling against all forms of social and economic injustice, we strongly argue that the struggle of Shoprite workers is also ours. These workers are coming from our communities. They are not earning enough money. They spend their wages on paying for exorbitant schools fees and basic services such as transport, water and electricity. Our struggles for access to basic services is also part of the struggle against the bosses at Shoprite who refuse to grant a wage increase to workers who are coming from our working class townships. Our one struggle is a struggle against the capitalist system which continues to oppress the workers, the working class communities and women.

We are calling upon all communities to join the pickets and marches of Shoprite/Checkers workers. We can start by ensuring a successful boycott of Shoprite in the townships where Shoprite stores exists. The boycott has to spread to all the towns and cities.

A united working class shall never be defeated! - Boycott Shoprite!

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