Home > Internationales > Slowenien > kurnik
Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51
Aktuelle Meldungen im neuen LabourNet Germany

Grösste Massenkundgebungen der Geschichte...

Die Reformen der slowenischen Regierung sind weder originell noch klug, sondern die handelsüblichen: Einheitssteuer, Flexibilisierung der Arbeitsgesetze im Sinne der Unternehmen, Sozialabbau - alles was die heutige Marktwirtschaft eben so ausmacht. Origineller da schon folgendes: 40.000 Menschen demonstrierten in Ljubljana dagegen - die grösste Demonstration in der Geschichte des 2 Millionen Landes... Ein kurzer (englischer) Bericht "40000 people on the streets of Ljubljana against government reforms" von Andrej Kurnik vom 27. November 2005 auf der "Euromayday" - Liste.

40000 people on the streets of Ljubljana against government reforms

Yesterday 40000 (2% of population) people participated on demonstrations against reforms Slovenian right wing government is trying to impose. The package of reforms is desastrous: flat tax (all taxes should have the same degree 20% - either you buy bred or Mercedes, either you earn 400 Euros or 4000 Euros, the same tax for wages and for profits...); flexibilization of the market of work with radical cuts of social transfers, privatisation of health care system and school system. Slovenia is becoming laboratory for neoliberal social-economic experiments, kind of Trojan horse in Europe.

Yesterday's manifestation was organised by four main unions. Euromayday people joined manifestation by forming our own visibility in s.c. Galaxy NjetWork.

Our main idea is to build common front against reforms and to include our agenda (new social rights independent from the status on labor market and from the national citizenship). Part of our visibility yesterday were precarious, migrants, erased, youth centers, gay and lesbian movement... We'll keep you informed


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