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Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Die UNO-Resolution 1593 - Fortsetzung des Kolonialismus und der Rassentrennung Damit Menschenrechtskrieger jeglicher politischen Couleur hinterher nicht wieder sagen können, es habe halt sein müssen, alle hätten es gewollt: Die Resolution der (regierungsnahen!) Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation (SWTUF) gegen die UNO-Resolution und die Entsendung ausländischer Truppen. Die SWTUF ist dem WGB angeschlossen und verweist in dieser Erklärung - als Alternative zu "robusten" (deutsch: mörderischen) Militäreinsätzen - nicht nur auf die langjährigen eigenen Friedensbemühungen, sondern insbesondere auch auf die Arbeit der "Organisation of African Trade Union Unity" (OATUU) - die Afrikanische Organisation für Gewerkschaftseinheit, die eigene Vorschläge zur Lösung der gewaltigen Probleme erarbeitet habe. Siehe die (englische) Erklärung "The United Nations' Security Council's resolution No. 1593 - A continuation of neocolonialism and racial segregation" der SWTUF vom 9.April 2005 The Sudan Workers Trade Unions' Federation (SWTUF): Urgent Communiqué on The United Nations' Security Council's resolution No. 1593 - A continuation of neocolonialism and racial segregation The Sudan Workers Trade Unions' Federation (SWTUF) has always been in support of the peace process in southern Sudan and has always been propagating this issue until the real peace has been at last achieved. Moreover, the Federation has always been exerting all efforts in order to support the social texture in that region so as to put an end to bloodshed in that region at large. In this respect it has conducted a number of field visits and provided material and moral support to the affected people and victims until this has been crowned by the creation of the trade unions' forum in Darfur region where the Federation has actively participated in organising and activating this issue in order to reach a reasonable acceptable solution to the crisis. We praise the support we got from all brothers and sisters in the African trade unionist movement namely through the Secretariat of the Organisation of African Trade Unions' Unity (OATUU) which has visited and explored the situation on the ground and written a very elaborate report about its own findings there. Dear comrades, At a time when the people of the Sudan, after a long struggle, full of great sacrifices, could stop that war , in southern Sudan, which has continued for more than half a century and when they started to reap the fruits of peace in terms of stopping. bloodshed and achieving workers' prosperity, the Darfur Crisis has been created Consequently, so many different circles are doing everything they can in order to add more oil on the fire. This has equally happened at a time when the wisdom of the people of the Sudan could contain the problem; a matter that gave our people a lot of pride in putting an end to that long civil war. At that crucial time , the Security Council has unfortunately, decided to continue sending wrong messages to the outlaws and the rebels so that the negotiations cannot continue and a final solution cannot be seen. Recently the Security Council has issued three consecutive resolutions which can, at least, be described as rewarding good deeds by bad ones to a nation that has recently signed a peace agreement ( just a few weeks ago) in order to stop the longest civil war in the region. Nevertheless the resolutions were full of so many deficiencies, defects and contradictions with a lot of indications of double standards, hegemony and superiority which could be very well seen felt through its different lines and the terrible image of neo colonialism that we could that this resolution reflects . These recent resolutions namely the latest No. 1593 clearly displayed that a new round of targeting and pressurizing has started against the people of the Sudan .All this has been put in place in order to add to that somber record of injustices practiced against Palestine, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to draw a new chapter of sufferings which could not, by all means, be the last. However it is nothing but a continuous targeting for the weak people of Third World. We, in the Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation strongly reject and condemn any act aiming at undermining any nation's sovereignty or their territorial integrity as well as rejecting any form of segregation or discrimination between human beings on the basis of race, ethnicity while reaffirming our complete rejection of the recent resolutions because they contradict with all legal principles including those of the United Nations itself , simply because this case is still being studied by the African Union which has always been exerting all efforts. This sadly means that the Security Council intervention is in total contradiction with the agreed upon charters. Moreover the Sudan's Government efforts are still continuing in order to prosecute and try all the perpetrators of any crimes .All these facts put together , would definitely rule out the condition ofsubmitting the case to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court which stipulates that it can intervene in case the State refuses or is unable to prosecute or try the perpetrators .In addition to this, the Sudan is not a signatory to the Rome Statue . More over , the Sudan's judiciary system has always been enjoying a considerable reputation , impartiality and integrity witnessed by all our brothers in the Arab and african regions . In this context, we would like to confirm once again that this is nothing but political opportunism , implementation of double standards and a continuation of the progress of neocolonialism. It suffices to see and consider the very apparent contradictions in the first article of the resolution which has stipulated that Sudanese citizens shall be transferred and prosecuted before the international Criminal Court bearing in mind the fact that the Sudan is not a signatory to the court's Charter meanwhile the same resolution exempts in its sixth article citizens of the United States of America from being prosecuted before the same court on the pretext that the United States of America is not a signatory to the court's charter. For the fact that you have always been following closely the developments in the political arena on the basis of your genuine partnership in the peace process and the stability of the Sudan and thanks to your continuous assistance and endless support that helped us to make peace a reality , it consequently becomes imperative to all of you, to denounce this unfair resolution. It is therefore logical that you have to reject and refute this colonial approach which does not respect the nations' interests and does not achieve workers' prosperity . However we would like to confirm that the workers and the peoples of the Sudan will always stick to their promises and abide by the principles of defending the nation and its dignity in order to protect the values of real freedom to put an end to all forms of oppression , repression , colonialism and hegemony God is always the victorious but very few people know that. The Federation's Secretariat General April 9/ April 2005 |