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Ein parlamentarische Untersuchungskomission in Peru hat nach 9 Monaten Arbeit als Ergebnis festgehalten, dass die Bayer aG die Verantwortung trägt für die Vergiftung von 42 Kindern - von denen 24 starben - im Oktober 1999 in Tauccamarca. Die überlebenden 18 trugen schwere Krankheiten davon. Die Kinder waren Opfer eines pestizidverseuchten Schulfrühstücks geworden.
Die Bayer AG hatte das hochgiftige Produkt massiv unter Kleinbauern beworben - die Packungen aber waren in spanisch beschriftet, während fast alle Bauern der Region nur Quechua sprechen, das Produkt, das aussieht wie Milchpulver, zudem ohne Warnungen und lediglich mit dem Bild einer grünen Pflanze versehen.
Die Untersuchungskomission hielt fest, dass Bayer - auch in Peru einer der wichtigsten Anbieter von Pestiziden - die Dorfbewohner entschädigen müsse.
Die Bewohner des Dorfes Taccaumarca haben ausserdem einen Brief an den Generalsekretär der UNO geschrieben, die UN möge Bayer von der Teilnahme am Erdgipfel ausschliessen.
Im Oktober 2001 hatte ein Gericht - entsprechend peruanischem Gesetzt - die Zulässigkeit der Klage zunächst negativ beschieden. Danach aber bekam das entlegene Dorf landesweite Unnterstützung, was dazu führte, dass diese Komission gebildet wurde und im Februar dieses Jahres die zuständige Behörde beschloss, dass auch in Peru Pestizide, die von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation als "extrem"- oder hochschädlich klassifiziert wurden, nicht mehr gehandelt werden dürfen.
Die Dorfgemeinschaft schrieb gerade einen Brief an UN Generalsekretär Annan, in dem sie den Ausschluss von Bayer vom Johannesburger Gipfel forderte....
August 30, 2002
After a nine-month investigation, a Peruvian Congressional Subcommittee has found significant evidence of criminal responsibility by both the agrochemical company Bayer and the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture in the poisoning of 42 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca in October 1999.
The children were stricken after eating a school breakfast contaminated with the organophosphate pesticide methyl parathion. Twenty-four children died before they could reach medical treatment, 18 others survived with significant long-term health and developmental consequences. The pesticide was heavily marketed under the name of Folidol to small farmers throughout Peru, the great majority of whom speak Quechua only and are illiterate. Bayer packaged the pesticide, a white powder that resembles powdered milk and has no strong chemical odor, in small plastic bags, labeled in Spanish and displaying a picture of vegetables. The labels provided no usable safety information, such as pictograms, for the majority of users in remote villages, and little indication of the danger of the product.
The Peruvian Congressional Report also found that Bayer, should compensate the families and surviving children for the losses they have suffered. Headquartered in Germany, Bayer has been a principle Peruvian importer and distributor of both methyl and ethyl parathion.
The families filed a suit against Bayer in October of 2001 asserting that the company should have taken steps to prevent the foreseeable misuse of this extremely toxic product, given the severe health risks presented by methyl parathion, and the indigenous language use in the Peruvian countryside. Two days after the suit was filed, the judge of the Superior Court in Lima found the case inadmissible on procedural grounds, and concluded summarily--and illegally--that the plaintiffs had not adequately made out the underlying substantive case. Under Peruvian law, in the initial stage of litigation the judge is authorized only to review the completeness of the filing papers, and may not decide substantive matters of law. The families successfully appealed the illegal resolution, and are currently waiting for a hearing date to be set for later this year.
The suit seeks justice for the children that perished, guarantees of medical monitoring for the surviving children, and regulatory reforms to prevent future tragedies. It also names the Ministry of Agriculture for failure to enforce pesticide regulations; uncontrolled sales of "restricted use" pesticides including parathion are common throughout Peru.
The efforts of the Tauccamarca families and allied Peruvian non-governmental organizations have been backed by a wave of public support and have won important changes. In February 2002, the Peruvian National Agrarian Health Service indefinitely suspended the registration of all pesticides classified by the World Health Organization as Ia (extremely hazardous) or Ib (highly hazardous).
As the World Summit on Sustainable Development takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa, the families have written to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan requesting that he exclude Bayer from the UN Global Compact because of Bayer's actions in Peru. The Global Compact is a UN partnership with corporations that pledge to abide by human rights and environmental principles. The letter was signed by Victoriano Huarayo Torres, representing the village of Tauccamarca.
Two of Mr. Torres' children were among the twenty-four fatally poisoned. He relates in the letter, "In the intervening years [since the 1999 poisoning] grieving parents in my village cannot understand how the United Nations could support a company like Bayer that has continued to sell its most toxic pesticides (classified by the WHO as extremely or highly hazardous) for many years after publicly promising to withdraw them in 1995. Nor can we understand why the United Nations would support a company that allowed methyl parathion to be sold in a region where they knew that the people would not be able to read the label instructions."
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