letzte Änderung am 19. Juni 2002

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ICEM fordert die Freilassung des Gewerkschaftsaktivisten Tian Chua und anderer politischer Gefangener. Der langjährige Aktivist war ohne Verfahren entsprechend dem malaysischen Gesetz zum Schutz der inneren Sicherheit festgenommen worden. ICEM ruft die Vertreter des IBFG dazu auf, dies zum Thema bei der ILO Versammlung zu machen, die noch bis 20.Juni tagt und bei der der malaysische Premierminister sprechen wird. Die (englische) Pressemitteilung der Chemieföderation.


Malaysia must release jailed labour activist Tian Chua and other political detainees, the 20-million-strong International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) urged today. Following is the full text of the resolution adopted unanimously by the ICEM Executive Committee, meeting in Brussels: The ICEM Executive Committee, at its meeting on 6-7 June 2002, condemns the detention without trial of Malaysian labour activist TIAN CHUA under the Internal Security Act of Malaysia.

We urge the Malaysian Government to release immediately and unconditionally TIAN CHUA and other political detainees who are held under the Internal Security Act. We urge the Malaysian Government to abolish this draconian legislation and other similar laws which provide for detention without trial. We urge the Malaysian Government to grant the request of the special representative of the United Nations Secretary General on Human Rights to conduct a fact-finding visit to Malaysia.

We call on the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) to raise the detention of TIAN CHUA at the 90th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva from 9th - 20th June 2002, where the Prime Minister of Malaysia will address the Conference.

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