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Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Der CNT soll bei der Post der Gewerkschaftsstatus aberkannt werden Die anarchosyndikalistisch orientierte CNT hat für den 25. November in ganz Frankreich zu Protest- und Widerstandsaktionen aufgerufen - weil dieser Strömung durch ein betriebliches Abkommen der Geschäftsleitung mit "Mainstreamgewerkschaften" (CFDT, FO, CFTC, UNSA und CGT) vom Anfang des Jahres bei der französischen Post der Status einer Gewerkschaft aberkannt werden soll. Der (englische) Aufruf zur Solidarität "Solidarity needed whith French CNT Postal services workers Union" des internationalen Sekretariats der CNT vom 22. November 2006. Solidarity needed whith French CNT Postal services workers Union The saturday 25th November, the CNT will organize diferent actions about our our syndical rigths in post sector. Demonstrations will be organized in diferent towns of France. Can you send me before saturday mesages of solidarity ? I will transmit these international messages of solidarity to the CNT post Federation. And those mesage will be read at the end of the demonstrations. In solidarity. After 20 years of existence, the Federation of the CNT PTT (postal services workers union) is now forbidden at La Poste (Postal services). This is the consequence of an agreement concluded in january 27th 2006 between La Poste management and bosses and Unions which have representativity yet are a minority ( CFDT, FO, CFTC, UNSA and CGT). Funny enough this agreement was signed "to facilitate and develop the social dialogue" (while they gaged any contestation?!). Since then, La Poste did not hesitate to sanction a parisian comrade by giving him 15 days off work ( no wages) because he handed CNT leaflets at his workplace. Other workers are threatened. Behind the CNT, it is class struggle syndicalism being attacked, a syndicalism opposed to restructuring and privatisation. No doubt that this is just a step toward the total censorship of all contestation of all sectors of society. Soon, other public services will be attacked, not to mention the private sector! Only will survive mainstream unions which will not be opposed to those attacks against workers. But we will not let this happen. This is why the whole of the CNT unions are calling for a day of action on saturday 25th november. Frédéric Siméon - Confédération nationale du travail Secrétariat international - groupe Afrique 33, rue des Vignoles, 75020 Paris, France. Mailadresse: africa@cnt-f.org |