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Home > Internationales > Ägypten > Arbeitskämpfe > hellwan2 | |
Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Streik der Zementarbeiter erfolgreich Das meiste Geld das ihnen zusteht wird ausbezahlt - das ist das Ergebnis des dreitägigen Sitzstreiks auf dem Gelände der Hellwan-Zementfabrik, während dem die Belegschaft die Werkstore geschlossen hielt. Nachdem ein erstes Treffen am Montag zwar eine Art Übereinkunft zwischen Unternehmensleitung, Ministerium und Gewerkschaften gebracht hatte, das die Arbeiter aber nicht akzeptierten, wurde die positive Entscheidung des italienischen Unternehmens auf einem weiteren Treffen am Dienstagabend gefällt. Der (englische) Bericht "Cement Hellwan factories workers still sit-in" des CTUWS vom 21. März 2006 Cement Hellwan factories workers still sit-in For the third day continually, Cement Hellwan workers still continue their sit-in which started on last Sunday after the meeting between the member of Trade Union for the workers in the company and Human Development responsible, and she refused in it the worker demands for their right to get on 10% from the swags according to article 41 in the Law No. 159 for 1981. Yesterday Monday, the company managers held a meeting with the head of the Trade Union and some of its members, these meeting attended by the head of the General Building & Wood Trade Union and its secretary-general as workers representatives, and the minister of investment dr./ Mahmoud Mohiel Dein and the minister of manpower Mrs./ Aesha Abdel Hade as government representatives, The meeting result in an agreement to held another meeting on coming Thursday to discuss the workers demands stipulate for ending the workers sit-in, but the workers refused this stipulation and declare that they will continue the sit-in until the response to their demands, on the other side, the governmental media pursued its usual role in falsification the truth as the Egyptian television which broadcasted on its first and satellite cannels news meant concluding an agreement between Cement Hellwan Company workers and the its managers to look into workers demands in way which make everybody understand that the Cement Hellwan workers accept this agreement and of course it's not the truth. Worth mentioning that the situation inside the company still as it was at the start of the sit-in, the lorries still limited inside the company that because of that the shut the gates and prohibited any lorries to exit, even though the trial of the company manager: "Osama EL Sayed" to persuade the workers to open transport gates but the workers faced that with strong rejection. And it expected that the furnaces will stopped working today evening Tuesday due to fullness of cells. And in sequent evolution of the events, the managers of the Italian company offered their approval on paying out the swags to the amount of eight months, five monthes of them immediately and the other rest three months on coming September, but it stipulate for the workers to ending their sit-in. And the trade union committee agreed with these agreement in the meeting which held on Tuesday 21st March evening between the company administration and some of trade union committee member and which the workers ended their sit-in according to it. Although these agreement didn't achieve the whole Cement Hellwan workers demands, but it is consider a victory for workers faced the Italian company alone without any support by their General Trade Union and Workers Union. Kamal Abbas, CTUWS General Coordinator |