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Home > Internationales > Bulgarien > sohudol | |
Updated: 18.12.2012 15:51 |
Eigentlich ging es nur um die Mülldeponie... Den Bewohner der Sofioter Trabantenstadt Suhodol war versprochen worden, dass die Mülldeponie, die ihre Umwelt verpestet, am 30. Juni stillgelegt werden würde - gegen diese bestenfalls halblegale Deponie der Stadt Sofia gab es seit 20 Jahren AnwohnerInnen-Proteste. Als nichts geschah, blockierten Ende Juni und Anfang Juli ungefähr 150 von ihnen die Zufahrten. Und wurden - nach einer Woche - von ungefähr 800 Polizisten weggeprügelt. Der (englische) Bericht "The State Against The People" vom 12. Juli 2005, der über die "Alter-EE" Mailingliste publiziert wurde. THE STATE AGAINST THE PEOPLE The state intervened in the most brutal manner! 1000 police against 150 protesters Actually people from Suhodol fight more than 20 years against this landfill... The waste in this landfill regularly burning or sperading outside the landfill site. This year local people protested once beginig of January and make blockade for 3 days. Mayor of Sofia and Sofia Municipality promissed them that landfill will work till the end of June. After 30 june tracks with waste continue transport all Sofia garbige to Suhodol landfill. Mass meda started campaign against just demands of Suhodol residence. After almoust one week non colection of garbige in Sofia, Sofia Municipality gave oficial permition to police to take in their hands transport of garbage, to ensure it. Landfill poluted water and air of Suhodol residance. It's situated less than 1 km from this quarter. Local people (especially children) have a history of asthma and allergy and cancer diseases.Suhodol, the suburb situated 1 km from the capital's disposal site, was the place in Bulgaria with the highest concentration of riot police last night. After seven days of blocking the access to Sofia's landfill and unseen accumulation of waste on the streets of the city, the protest was repressed and the garbage dumping restarted successfully. Around 3 am police forces arrived at the landfill site in Suhodol. The people, who had been blocking access to the landfill for a week, sat tightly next to one another. The "robocops" (the special riot police) broke brutally into the first rows, almost trampling on the people, and started to hit and push the ones in the very front of the human blockade. Nobody from the protesters got up, so the police started pulling everybody up and pushing people aside, using a lot of brutal violence. The police took some of the protesters, carried them away and dumped them in the ditch. Several people were hurt. In a very short time, due to the ratio in numbers between police and protesters 1000:150, the police forced the people away and formed several thick cordons. They forced people to move their cars away from the road, and some cars were directly pushed off the road. In about 40 minutes th waste collection trucks started coming in. Meanwhile, all entrances to Suhodol were blocked. Nobody was let to pass towards the blockade of the landfill. Even some massmedia journalists were not allowed to pass. In the village all houses were blocked and people were not allowed to go out of their homes and join the rest of the protesters at the landfill. The police blocked the church as well, because some local people wanted to sound an alarm using the church bell in order to gather people from the village together. All roads accessing Suhodol were blocked. The Sofia ring road is blocked at the crossing with Car Boris III Blvd and no cars are allowed to pass. Only trucks, public transportation vehicles and minibus transport serves were let through, but police were checking passengers IDs and only people registered as residents of Suhodol were allowed to go there. The police were filming the protesters. Four people from AnarchoResistance group was arested on his way back to Sofia. All arested was set free after half day checking documents in police. |