letzte Änderung am 13. Nov. 2002

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Brief der TMPCWA an den Internationalen Metallarbeiterbund aus Anlass von dessen Aisatisch-Pazifischer Auto Konferenz

(Kurze Zusammenfasung)

Der Vorsitzende der TMPCWA, Ed Cubelo, kritisiert in seinem Brief vom 4. November 2002 die Teilnahme des Vertreters für die Toyotawerke der Philippinen - Angel Dimalanta - an der Konferenz des IMB und stellt die Geschichte der Versuche gewerkschaftlicher Organisierung bei Toyota Philipinnen dar.

(Die IMB-Konferenz fand am 14.10 in Thailand statt, wobei 68 Teilnehmer aus 8 Ländern registriert wurden).

Dimalanta versuchte 1992 erstmals eine Gewerkschaft zu begründen - die TMPCLU, der auch Ed Cubelo angehörte - was nach mehreren Jahren Registrierungsversuche 1997 endgültig an Nichtzulassung scheiterte. Das hatten Cubelo und andere bei Nachforschungen beim Obersten Gericht erfahren, nachdem sie lange Zeit nichts - gar nichts - von der Gewerkschaft gehört hatten. Sie beschlossen darufhin, eine neue Gewerkschaft zu bilden und sprachen mit Dimalanta, um ihm den Vorsitz dieser neuen Gewerkschaft anzubieten. Er lehnte dies ab, mit dem Hinweis auf seine "bindende Vereinbarung" mit Toyota. Die 1997 daraufhin gebildete TMPCEWU hatte schnell 700 Mitglieder, worauf Toyota zum Sponsoring von Dimalantas LMC überging. Den Mitgliedern der TMPCEWU wurde dabei erstmals ein Programm zum freiwilligen Ausscheiden angeboten - 300 nahmen aus Angst entlassen zu werden an, 7 treten aus, die Gewerkschaft wird nicht zugelassen, worauf eine weitere Neugründung geschieht: TMPCWA in 1998, Cubelo wurde erneut zum Vorsitzenden gewählt.

Die anschliessend - im März 2000 - erforderliche Belegschaftsabstimmung über die Zulassung der Gewerkschaft sieht Dimalanta im Wahlkampf an der Seite der Geschäftsleitung bei deren Kampagne "Nein zur Gewerkschaft" - die TMPCWA gewinnt die Wahl, das Unternehmen verweigert ihr trotzdem die Anerkennung.

Am 16.März 2001 - nach Demonstrationen der Belegschaft im Monat vorher - verkündet das Arbeitsministerium, dass die TMPCWA die einzige Vertretung der Belegschaft sei und fordert die Geschäftsleitung auf, in Verhandlungen zu treten. Am selben Tag entlässt Toyota 300 Mitglieder und Funktionäre der Gewerkschaft, worauf am 28. März 2001 in zwei Werken ein Streik organisiert wird, der die Produktion komplett stoppt. Dimalanta organisierte dabei einige Streikbrecher. Die Regeirung entschied auf Verlangen von Toyota zwar, dass der Streik zu beenden sei, zugleich aber auch, dass die Entlassungen ungültig seien, was in 227 Fällen nicht beachtet wurde.

Weiterhin weigert sich Toyota, die Gewerkschaft anzuerkennen, fabrizierte Komplotte gegen Funktionäre, denen kriminelle Vergehen unterstellt wurden und organisierte Konkurrenzgewerkschaften, so dass TMPCWA zwar die grösste ist, mit 540 Mitgliedern, aber eine von drei.

Deswegen, so Ed Cubelo, schäme er sich dafür, dass Dimalanta als Vertreter der Toyotaarbeiter auftreten könne. Er glaube an die guten Absichten des IMB, aber Dimalantas Anwesenheit auf der Konferenz könne der Arbeit der legitimen Gewerkschaft schaden. Die TMPCWA fordert die Hilfe des IMB bei ihrem Kampf um Anerkennung.

Auch, indem Toyota Japan mit den Forderungen bekannt gemacht werde:

1.Wiedereinstellung aller entlassenen Gewerkschafter
2.Zurücknahme aller Anzeigen wegen krimineller Vergehen
3.Anerkennung der TMPCWA als einziger Vertretung der Belegschaft
4.Aufnahme von Verhandlungen


1482 Elephant Street, Group 5 Fort Bonifacio Makati, City.
Tel. # 882-63-71
E-mal Add. tmpcwa@pacific.net.ph
E-mail Add. tmpcwa@edsamail.com.ph

04th November, 2002

Bro. Marcello Malentacchi
Secretary General of the IMF

I have read the article of the IMF HOLDS ASIA-PACIFIC AUTO CONFERENCE in Bangkok, Thailand last October 14, 2002. According to it, there are 68 trade unionist from 8 countries that meet in Thailand. I am very surprised when I learned in my research that the delegate from the Philippines is came from Toyota Philippines and its representative is Mr. Angel Dimalanta the union President of supervisory employee and LMC-Chairman in Phil. Toyota.

As one of the workers in Philippine Toyota, I am the representative of Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Workers Association (TMPCWA). I am the union President of this union and belong to the 233 illegally dismissed by the company.

I would like to give important comment and information about Angel Dimalanta and his involvement in our struggle.

It was year 1992 when Dimalanta first attempt to form a union in the company (Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Labor Union-TMPCLU) that lost in the Supreme Court because of the composition of the rank and file and supervisory employee. According to the Labor Code of the Philippines, the composition of rank and file and supervisory workers is illegal. This was also the basis of the Toyota capitalist.

I am a union member in the said union (TMPCLU), and also the coordinator in the customer satisfaction line-Assembly Section. But in our five years of hoping to this union, we heard nothing on it. No news, no events whatsoever. The workers are become afraid that this has nothing to do and even the union president (Dimalanta) is done nothing at all.

For almost five years after the registration of this union without knowing about the status of the case, I decided to initiate action to know the real situation of the case. I went to the Supreme Court and surprisingly found out that the union is already lost.

My immediate action is to search and talk to those workers who is willing to become adhoc-leaders to form another union.

It's the year 1997, when I started to form a union. We decidedly talk to Dimalanta and told him that his union is already lost. He has no knowledge that the Supreme Court has already made a decision to the case. We also told him that we will continue to fight for the workers in our newly form union and if this union win he can also be the union president. Unfortunately he replied that he is refusing to form another union. He said that no one can build another union because of his "compromised agreement" to the Toyota management.

We started to realized that we cannot continue to believed this kind of person. We continue to organized the workers and gained support to some 700 rank and file workers. The newly formed union registered in 1997 under the name TMPCEWU - Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Employees and Workers Union. The Company had to do something in the strong support of the rank and file workers. To counter the strong supports of the workers the management organized the LMC with Angel Dimalanta as the Vice Chairman, that uses as one of the company's arm machinery to destroy our union. The Company offered voluntary separation program and threatens the workers, if the workers will not accept the offer of the management, then the company will have to layoff our union members. There are more than 300 union members afraid to be laid off and accepted the VSP program that sell by the management together with their LMC.

When Toyota Company launch the company summer outing in Sariaya Quezon. Angel Dimalanta make a plan with his two companion from Logistic command officer of the security and a driver that came to our cottage, attempting to stabbed me by a knife, shouting invective words and told us to stop our union organizing.

I filed a complaint to the Toyota management to terminate Dimalanta, but the management did nothing. Instead Toyota management is continuesly using Dimalanta as one of their arm machinery in busting our union.

Toyota management hit another blow to the union by offering another VSP-Voluntary Separation Program for our union members and uses seven workers to file deregistration of the union. We have nothing to do but to build another union and with some 440 union members who believed in our union, it has registered in the name of Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Workers Association-TMPCWA in 1998. For the second time the workers elected me as their union President.

The continues organizing and continues action resulted to decision of the Department of Labor for the Certification Election - CE among the rank and file workers. The Toyota management did not stop, using Angel Dimalanta as one of the company's machinery, they both campaigning to the rank and file workers to vote for "NO TO UNION" during the campaign period for our CE inside Toyota. On March 8, 2000 - the schedule of the Certification of election. Dimalanta manage his rank and file subordinate and told them not to proceed to the election booth. He is very angry to those workers who he knows participated in the election.

Our union (TMPCWA) won in the certification Election, but Toyota Capitalist refuses to recognized our union. We continued the struggle for we believed we can gain the victory. The union did massive action inside company. February 21,22,23, 2001- more than 300 union members and officers attended the hearing and made a protest-rally in the Department of Labor and Employment to show to the Company that the workers are really want the union of TMPCWA to be recognized.

March 16, 2001 - The decision of the Department of Labors Secretary came out stating that TMPCWA as the sole and exclusive Bargaining Agent of the Rank and file and also demanded to the Toyota management to start the CBA-negotiation.

On the very same day Toyota Capitalist illegally dismissed more than 300 union members and officers. We tried to talk to the management to settle the problem but the management stands to its position not to return the workers and do not accept the workers to get inside the company.

March 28, 2001- The union has nothing to do but to defend the workers. We stage a strike in two Plants that paralyzed the production of Philippine Toyota. The union condemned the mass dismissal that "Obviously, what respondent did not achieved, that of preventing the formation of a union, and its miserable failure to defeat it through the certification election, now, it wants the union destroyed through brute force, by dismissing the half of entire union membership and leadership.

During the strike, Dimalanta warned our union members not to stop him entering to the company. He announced to other workers to go inside and work even there are strike. He leads other workers and scabs in the other way around to enter the company. Our union gained another round of victory because Toyota Management seeking the help of the Philippine Government to assumed the strike and issued assumption of Jurisdiction by the Labor Secretary. The Philippine Government issued return to work order with an option of payroll reinstatement.

There are some 227 union members left behind and do not accepted back by the company and placed to payroll reinstatement basis. But to no avail the decision came out by the National Labor Relation Commission stating what the workers did is illegal. We found out that Toyota filed Illegal strike even though the strike is legal. The connivance of Philippine Government and Philippine Toyota are getting stronger.

Until this time, Philippine Toyota still refuses to recognized our union despite of the fact that we are the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of the rank and file. Toyota filed fabricated criminal cases among our 25 union officers and members.

Toyota also sponsoring newly build union inside the company with their tactics of "divide and rule" There are three union in the company one is our union TMPCWA with 540 union members (the 233 is illegally dismissed), the TWLA - Toyota Workers Labor Association, and TMPCLO-Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Labor Organization which followed the name of Supervisory union they so called SU Jr. TWLA, TMPCSU and TMPCLO are union sponsored by the management to make sure that our union and the illegally dismissed workers cannot continue the struggle. But we proved them wrong, this sponsored union and leaders of the Capitalist cannot defeat our union.

We are very ashamed to the Philippine Toyota to be as one of the representative of the workers who is never concerned in the very fundamental rights of the workers. This Angel Dimalanta does not deserve to sit and speak for the workers of Philippine Toyota.

As union President of TMPCWA, I do believed in the good intentions of the IMF to protect workers right and to strengthen cross-border solidarity. My only concern is the effect to our struggle as rank and file workers in Philippine Toyota to become more critical, because of the appearance of the LMC-Chairman in the Asia-Pacific Auto Conference of the IMF.

As one of the workers of Philippine Toyota, shouting for justice. Our unions need your help. Please help us in our struggle. If you want to contact us, please write to protest-toyota@jca.apc.org, or write us in our email address.

I also have a request to you, if you can reach Toyota management in Japan please tell our demands:

1. Reinstatement of Illegally dismissed union officers and members.
2. Withdraw all fabricated criminal cases against our union officers and members.
3. Recognized our union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent to the rank and file as stated in the decisions of the Courts.
4. Start the CBA-negotiation.

For the workers of the world let us continue to fight for our rights.

Thank you very much, we are praying for your health and activities.

In solidarity!

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