Solidaritätserklärung für das besetzte Berliner Werk aus Weißrußland.

Thomas 0049-30-45492051

Alcatel 0049-30-6843096

Dear Alcatel workers,

We have known about your brave struggle against the closure of the factory in Berlin through our friends from the Socialist League. The action that you are now carrying on is a big example for all the workers of the former Soviet Union. They have told us that we need to privatise our enterprises, so that our workers may live as German workers.

Now, we see that German workers are also fighting against the transnational corporations, against factory closures, and against unemployment.

That is a prove that the workers from East and West Europe have the same enemies, and that they must support each other in order to defeat the plans of the transnational corporations.

In the name of thousands of Bielorrusian workers, we, tradeunion leaders from Bielorrusia, send you our solidarity and our wishes that your struggle succeeds in defeating the plans of Alcatel bosses, in defending your jobs and your factory.

With fraternal greetings,

Piotr Borisov, President of the Trade union of the Electrotechnical Factory of Mins

Anatoly Matvienko, chairmann of the Revolutionary Party of Justice

Andrei Stefanenko, President of the Trade union of the Shoe Factory of Minsk

Yuri Munjen, Tractor Factory of Minsk MTZ

Nikolai Cherkassov, vicepresident of the Trade union of Electrical Workers of Minsk MES

Yuri Shulga, member of the Executive Board of the trade union of the Electronic Factory of Minsk

Vladimir Babaev, President of the Trade union of the "Podshivniki Savod" of Minsk