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Der kanadische Gewerkschaftsbund CLC hat sich an das Bundesparlament anläßlich dessen aktueller Debatte über Nahost gewand, mit der Aufforderung sich aktiver für Frieden und Ausgleich in Nahost einzusetzen. Der CLC ruft dabei dazu auf, seine Solidaritätskampagne mit dem palästinensischen Gewerkschaftsbund PGFTU zu unterstützen und wendet sich zugleich gegen rassistische Anschläge und Graffitis an Synagogen im Lande, sowie gegen Diskriminierung von Arabern und Moslems.
Untenstehend die Erklärung im Wortlaut (englisch).
OTTAWA, April 9 As our Members of Parliament are getting ready for an emergency debate on the deteriorating situation between Israel and Palestine, the Canadian Labour Congress, once again, reminds the Canadian government that it must take some proactive steps in the cause of peace and the welfare of all the suffering people of the area. "Our colleagues in the region want a larger role to be played by Canada," says Ken Georgetti, president of the Canadian Labour Congress.
"We believe Canadians need to do more at this time than simply issue statements. As a friend of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples, we should be on the ground with our friends trying to be of help. The Canadian Labour Congress is, of course, prepared to support any appropriate initiatives," Georgetti wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien last week that explained that the violence of the last few days sunk to new and unimaginable depths.
"The MPs in their debate tonight must understand that news reports of imminent withdrawal of tanks, in part or in full, will not make peace; it will make more urgent the need for a credible and forceful Canadian initiative in the cause of peace, on the side of people, children and communities," adds Georgetti. The Canadian Labour Congress expects further briefings about the situation from the General Secretary of its international organization, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) who is travelling in Jerusalem and Gaza right now together with the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation.
Meanwhile, offering some relief in the emerging humanitarian disaster, the Canadian Labour Congress is donating $10,000.00 from ist International Activities Fund, to the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions to help their efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to its members. All Canadian working families are invited to join this effort by sending contributions to the CLC's International Activities Fund (IAF) ear-marked for Palestinian Humanitarian Assistance, c/o the Canadian Labour Congress, 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1V 8X7.
Moreover, on behalf of all working people in this country, the Canadian Labour Congress denounces and condemns all acts of violence and Vandalism perpetrated against the places of worship or the community centres our fellow citizens of Jewish faith. "The arson attack on the synagogue in Saskatoon or the graffiti seen in the Ottawa and Toronto area are racist in their nature," Georgetti says. "We must all show the public courage to be true to the ideals of solidarity, respect and mutual help that make this country strong, and refuse and fight and prevent racism. In these difficult days, the world will judge us Canadians by our ability as citizens to make it a personal responsibility to protect and promote the respect, safety and well-being of our Muslim, Arab or Jewish sisters and brothers."
LabourNet Germany:
LabourNet Germany: Treffpunkt für Ungehorsame, mit und ohne Job, basisnah, gesellschaftskritisch The virtual meeting place of the left in the unions and in the workplace |
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