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Metallarbeiter in Omsk im Hungerstreik

Vasily Starostin von der sibirischen Arbeitskonfoederation (SKT) schreibt am Montag, den 15.April: 15.4 beginnen die Arbeiter (von Omskagrozhilstroy) mit einer extremen Protestform - einem Hungerstreik in der Fabrik, solange, bis ihre Forderungen erfuellt sind. Die Omsker konfoederation der arbeit (regionales Mitglied der SKT) empfiehlt Arbeitern mit gesundheitlichen Problemen, nicht an der Aktion teilzunehmen, da dieser Protest fuer sie zu schweren Schaedigungen bis hin zum Tode fuehren koennte. OKT stellt den Hungerstreikenden Wasser, Vitamine und noetige Arznei zur Verfuegung.

Die Arbeitskonfoederation von Omsk ruft euere Organisationen auf, zur Unterstuetzung des Hungerstreiks Solidaritaetsaktionen zu organisieren. Das koennen Protestschreiben sein - an die unten angegebenen Adressen gerichtet. Wir hoffen auch darauf, dass ihr die Information verbreitet.


Entwurf fuer ein Protestschreiben (folgt unten in englischer Sprache) an: / Where to send protest letters:

General director of OAO Omskagrozhilstroy Ernst Innokentevich Voronin
adress for telegrams: ulitsaYakovleva 181, k. 214 Omsk, Russia for faxes: +7-(3812)29-26-40, 25-12-35 e-mail:

Governator of the Omsk oblast Leonid Konstantinovich Polezhaev Fax: +7-(3812) 24-23-72

Weitere Informationen - und eine Kopie von Schreiben - ueber: Siberian Confederation of Labour,

Metal workers in Omsk in hunger strike

Vasily Starostin from Siberian Confederation of Labour (SKT) writes monday, 15th of April:

...15th of April workers (of company Omskagrozhilstroy) are about to start an extreme form of protest - a hunger strike while staying in the factory, until their demands are entirely fulfilled. Omsk Confederation of Labour (regional member of SKT) recommended that workers with diseases should not join hungerstrike, since the protest may lead to severe development of the disease towards a lethal result. OKT has brought water, vitamins and necessary medicine to participators of the hungerstrike.

Omsk Confederation of Labour asks your organisation to start actions of solidarity to help workers of OAO Omskagrozhilstroy. Such a support action may be a letter of protest, directed to adresses below. We also hope that you may spread this information among organisations, unions and other collectives in Russia and abroad.

A sample protest letter:

to Governement of Russian Federation to Governator of Omsk oblast Polezhaev L.K.
to General Director of OAO Omskagrozhilstroy Voronin E.I.

We, (name of the organisation) protest against unjust and inhuman actions targeted against workers of OAO Omskagrozhilstroy, in form of non-payment of the wages. By doing this, you are pushing the workers and their families to an edge of the starvation. We support protest of the workers and we will cooperate with them to reclaim their rights, demanding international responsability.


Where to send protest letters:

General director of OAO Omskagrozhilstroy Ernst Innokentevich Voronin
adress for telegrams: ulitsaYakovleva 181, k. 214 Omsk, Russia for faxes: +7-(3812)29-26-40, 25-12-35 e-mail:

Governator of the Omsk oblast Leonid Konstantinovich Polezhaev Fax: +7-(3812) 24-23-72

Please send a copy of your protest letter to Siberian Confederation of Labour,


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