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Sofortige Freilassung von Farooq Tariq und aller politischen Gefangenen!

Die Führung der "Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy", die Allianz für die Wiederherstellung der Demokratie, einschließlich des Generalsekretärs der pakistanischen Arbeiterpartei, LPP, wurde am 21. März verhaftet. Die ARD beiinhaltet alle große Oppositionaparteien und demokratische Kräfte in Pakistan, die gegen die Militärdiktatur organisiert sind.

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HELP US NOW! - Thousands of Pakistan Workers Arrested!

The "Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy" leadership, including Farooq Tariq, General Secretary of the Pakistan Labour Party, LPP, have been arrested [the ARD includes all main opposition and democratic forces in Pakistan organising against the military dictatorship].

Today on 21 March, the police arrested the leadership of ARD from the leader of Muslim League's residence, where they were gathered in a meeting to finalise arrangements regarding 23 March public procession for restoration of democracy. The meeting started at 4pm during which the police entered the residence and arrest all the gathered leadership, including Farooq Tariq. Before that government arrested several thousand workers from their homes the previous night.

Labour party condemned that arrest, which is totally negation of Human rights and constitutional rights. LPP demand the immediate release of the leadership.

However, the Labour Party is determined to hold the procession on 23 March at Lahore.

Please sent protest letters to the Chief Executive of Pakistan to e-mail -

with a copy to:

Shoaib Bhatti
Chairman LPP

Erste Reaktionen aus Deutschland: - besonders wichtig, da am Ende die deutschen Konsulatsadressen von Pakistran angegeben sind:

Note of Protest

Immediate release of Farooq Tariq and all political prisoners!

We condemn the arrestment of the Leadership of the Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy (ARD) and this humiliation of democratic rights. We demand from you the immediate release of Farooq Tariq and the other Leader of the ARD!

As you can see through this and other protest notes: Your undemocratic policy will be answered by a protest of the international public.

Stop this policy against human rigths!

Immediate release of the leadership of the ARD! For democratic rigths in Pakistan!


Sofortige Freilassung von Farooq Tariq und aller politischen Gefangenen!

Wir verurteilen die Verhaftung der Führung der Allianz zur Wiederherstellung der Demokratie (ARD) und diese Erniedrigung von demokratischen Rechten. Wir fordern von Ihnen die sofortige Freilassung von Farooq Tariq und der anderen Führer der ARD!
Wie Sie durch diesen und andere Protestbriefe sehen kßnnen: Ihre undemokratische Politik wird erwidert vom Protest der internationalen ßffentlichkeit.
Stop dieser Politik gegen die Menschenrechte! Sofortige Freilassung der Führung der ARD! Für demokratische Rechte in Pakistan!

ÖTV Betriebsgruppe Charite, Berlin 22.03.2001

Wird verschickt an:

Chief Executive of Pakistan on E- mail

Adressen der für Deutschland zuständigen Vertretungen

Botschaft der Islamischen Republik Pakistan
Frau Humaira Hasan,
Gesandte (Geschäftsträgerin a. i.)
Schaperstraße 29
Telefon 030-21 24 40, 21 24 42 99, 21 24 44 99
Fax 030-21 24 42 10

Generalkonsulat der Islamischen Republik Pakistan
Herr Rab Nawaz Khan,
Lerchesberg 26
Frankfurt a. M.
Telefon 069-42 10 12-15
Fax 069-42 10 17

Honorargeneralkonsulin der Islamischen Republik Pakistan
Frau Sieglinde Heckelmann,
Rückertstraße 1
Telefon 089-53 48 80
Fax 089-51 45 62 44

Honorargeneralkonsul der Islamischen Republik Pakistan
Herr Prof. Dr. h. c. Hermann Schnabel,
Frau Else Schnabel
Warburgstraße 50
Telefon 040-44 11 13 15
Fax 040-44 11 13 13

Honorarkonsul der Islamischen Republik Pakistan
Herr Peter Koopmann,
Präsident-Kennedy-Platz 1
Telefon 0421-32 36 10
Fax 0421-3 67 82 32

Pakistan Update (vom 23.3.):

Six Labour Party Pakistan leaders have been arrested

Zafar Awan General Secretary LPP Punjab, Nazli Javeed Joint Secretary General, Azra Shad General Secretary Lahore, Tariq Shazad assistant editor Partyâs weekly âMazdoor Jeddojuhdâ and Maqbool Ahmed Chairman central unit Lahore were arrested when they arrived along with other party comrades at Mochi Gate Lahore today on 23rd March. They raised the slogan for the restoration of democracy and the end of military regime. They were severely beaten by the police. Police has taken them to some unknown place. Police has also arrested more than 50 workers from other parties. LPP condemns arrests of these political worker and leaders, which is total negation of human and political rights.

The Muchi Gate was barricaded controlled by heave contingent, they siege all roads and link roads.
The Alliance organized that rally for the Restoration of Democracy at Mochi Gate garden.
The government put up a barbed wire fence along the entire boundary wall of the Mochi Gate garden where ARD decided to hold the public procession. The Govt. locked all the gates and deployed police in and around the garden.

Previous night Police continued raiding houses of political workers and leaders. All the exit and entry routs to Lahore have been sealed. Persons from police, Elite Force, Mujahid and Eagle squad have been deployed.

No passenger bus or vehicle can enter Lahore with out Checking. Hotels and inns along all the highways have been issued warning that action would be taken against them in case they checked in any political worker or leader.

A case has been registered against General Secretary of LABOUR Party Pakistan and many other ARD leaders. Farooq Tariq is charged with notorious 16 MPO, an anti state Act which is bail able offence, but it depends on government to hear bail petition. Farooq along other ARD leaders is in Kot Lakhpat jail in Lahore. According to reports Farooq is sent to jail for one month.

Member NC of LPP

Weiteres Beispiel für eine Protestresolution:

General Pervez Musharraf
Chef Executive
Regierung der Islamischen Republik Pakistan

Herr General,

wir protestieren aufs schärfste gegen die Inhaftierung von Farooq Tariq, dem Vorsitzenden der LPP, und den anderen führenden Mitgliedern der ARD (Allianz zur Wiederherstellung der Demokratie, Alliance for Reinstatement od Democracy).

Wir können nicht hinnehmen, daß in ihrem Land grundlegende demokratische Rechte von ArbeiterInnen und Arbeitern mißachtet werden. Wir erklären uns solidarisch mit jenen in Ihrem Land, die diese Rechte eingetreten sind und dafür verhaftet wurden.

Nicht nur in ihrem eigenen Land mehren sich die Proteste gegen Ihr Regime. Wir werden alles in unserer Macht stehende unternehmen, um den Protest international auszudehnen. Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter auf der ganzen Welt haben ein lebendiges Interesse daran, das sofortige Ende der Repressialien gegen die Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Pakistan zu fordern.

Wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung von Farooq Tariq und den anderen Inhaftierten sowie die Wiederherstellung der Demokratie in Pakistan.

General Pervez Mucsharraf
Chef Executive
Gouvernment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan


we, strongly protest the arrests of Farooq Tariq and the other leaders of the ARD (Alliance for Reinstatement of Democracy).

We can not accept that in your country basic rights of workers are violated. We declare ourselves solidary with those in your country who stand for democratic rights and where arrested for that.

Not only in your country protests against your regime are raising. We will do everything we can, to spread the protest internationaly. Workers in the entire world have a living interest to demand an end of the repressions against comrades in Pakistan.

We demand the immediate release of Farooq Tariq and the others imprisoned as well as the Reinstatement of democracy in Pakistan.

Ort, Datum, Unterschrift...

Update from Pakistan (23.3.):

Update: Farooq Tariq sent to jail

A case has been registered against Farooq T.Police deployed in and around Mochi Gate garden where ARD decided public procession.Lahore is sealed.Vehicle can enter the city without cheking.

The administration put up a barbed wirefence along th entire boundry of garden.

Member National Comitee LPP

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