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Beim Verlassen des Büros der Nationalen Komission für Menschenrechte wurden die etwa 400 UPC Demonstranten von einer etwa ebenso starken Milizgruppe überfallen, die mit LKWs und Minibussen plötzlich auftauchte. Etwa 50 TeilnehmerInnen, darunter auch Kinder wurden verletzt.
Die Delegation und ihre Begleitung hatten mit der Nationalen Komission für
Menschenrechte, der Nationalen Komission für Frauenrechte und der Nationalen
Komission für Kinderrechte diskutieren wollen, wie ein Gerichtsurteil verwirklicht
werden könnte, das die Bezirksregierung dazu verpflichtet, der Gewalt gegen
die städtischen Armen und ihre Vertretungen ein Ende zu machen.
Dieselbe Miliz hatte bereits eine UPC Demonstration am 13. März überfallen.
Wardah Hafidz von der UPC bittet um Solidaritätsaktionen
Around 400 men from a group called Forum Betawi Rempug (United Betawi Forum), a Jakarta militia, armed with dagger, stone and wood attacked the urban poor group in front of the office of the National Commission of Human Rights in Jakarta last Thursday, 28 March 2002. Around 50 people from the urban poor group, women, children, and men, were injured, 20 of which injured badly. Around 5 children from age 5 - 12 and many women were bleeding on their heads, trampled on, hit by stones, and stabbed. One becak driver got 16 stiches on his head, another one had to undergo a surgery from having blood clot on the back of his head. A lawyer of LBH APIK was injured on her head and was bleeding very badly. Six of the UPC activists were injured. Wardah Hafidz was choked and thrown to the ground, was about to be hit by a piece of wood when a becak driver saved her and he was hit twice instead. The sound system and get set that belong to the upc, a van, and the glass windows of the Commission office shattered. Many women lost their jewelry, wallet and money.
Around 400 hundred urban poor people, men, women and children, organised a peaceful dialog with the National Commission on Human Rights, National Commission on Women's Rights and National Commission on Children Rights on that day. The purpose of the dialog was to find ways to urge the Jakarta government to respect the court decision that they have to stop the violence against the urban poor of Jakarta. When the dialog was over and they were about to leave, the militia arrived in 9 minibuses, three open trucks and one van. They shouted that they looked for Wardah Hafidz, and immediately after assaulted the urban poor group. The group is the same militia group that attacked the UPC demonstration last 13 March 2002. Please mobilize support and protest. I am afraid this is, again, a part of the big scenario of the military to cause riots in Jakarta, to prevent the urban poor from being strongly organised and to use upc and the urban poor as the shooting targets. Please help find ways to prevent this from happening.
In solidarity,
Wardah Hafidz
LabourNet Germany:
LabourNet Germany: Treffpunkt für Ungehorsame, mit und ohne Job, basisnah, gesellschaftskritisch The virtual meeting place of the left in the unions and in the workplace |
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