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"Wages up to the level of prices!"

Resolution of the meeting of workers of Minsk

During the last years the majority of enterprises, organizations, collective and state farms are put on the verge of bankruptcy. The earning of the working people is transformed into a charitable pittance. Under current prices everyone became poor: worker and peasant, engineer and teacher, actor and scientist, clerk, pensioner and student.

If this kind policy continues the economic collapse of the country, rise of scale of poverty, mass violation of workers’ rights will be inevitable. We do not want shocks but either we will put up with endless arbitrariness. It is a duty of the State to create conditions for an effective and adequate payment for the work. Everyone should be sure in tomorrow’s day.

The trade unions have always expressed and are expressing for a dialogue but today we have to insist on our position, to protect together the right for labor, right for worthy life and social protection.

Our requirements are simple and clear:

We address to the leadership of the country: stop making experiments of survival over people, do not hinder enterprises to work, let citizens to provide themselves a worthy life through their own labor!

We address to all those who are not indifferent, who is not neutral to the destiny of children, the future of our country to support with your signature our requirements and actively participate in collective activities of trade unions aimed to accomplish them.

Our force in our unity!

Resolution taken at the meeting of workers of Minsk February 14, 2001.

LabourNet Germany:
LabourNet Germany: Treffpunkt für Ungehorsame, mit und ohne Job, basisnah, gesellschaftskritisch
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