letzte Änderung am 22.September 2003 | |
LabourNet Germany ARCHIV! Aktuelle Meldungen im neuen LabourNet Germany |
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Over the past months, activists and artists with different backgrounds ranging from indymedia centers to the noborder-networks, from the Free Software movement to community media, from grassroots campaigns to hacker collectives, have been discussing how to intervene in, outside of, counter to, or as an alternative to the agenda and organisation of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) from December 10th to 12th in Geneva, Switzerland.
WSIS is the first of two global summits dealing with information and communications to be held by the United Nations in Geneva. But the Summit is a smokescreen. Although it talks about the digital divide, knowledge dissemination, social interaction, political engagement, media, education, and health, this language is used to mystify the continuing use of information to protect and advance the interests of global capital.
Geneva_03 is an open, loose and temporary association of groups and individuals who are currently preparing a series of events around the WSIS. Its common goal is to create autonomous physical and network spaces for diverse tactical, grassroots, activist and community media actions and discussions in and around the WSIS meetings.
The issues at hand are many:
Shaping and subverting the information technologies that are now part
of everyday life.
Refusing both war and infowar.
Countering the exploitation of immaterial work and informalized labor.
Resisting border management and digital rights management.
Defending our commons of ideas, including indigenous knowledge,
scientific data, free software, educational systems and creative
expression against the immense pressures of privatization.
Fighting for freedom of movement and freedom of communication for all
people, not just those who promote and benefit from capital. The actions
taking place at WSIS? WE SEIZE! will seek to promote new ways of
communicating, what is communicated, by who and for whom: to create new
social formations that can address the systems of domination that
surround and inform our world.
The struggle takes place from the local, regional and global
infrastructure (radio and TV spectrum, wireless frequencies, cable rights
of way, satellite orbital paths) to the content that traverses those
structures. These networks should be for the benefit of and use by all
the world's people, organised to nurture and sustain social cooperation.
The event will work around these areas:
A strategic convention before the UN summit in Geneva, comprising
discussions, panels and presentations.
A polymedia lab to share tools, skills, experiences, and knowledge.
A three day netcast which will follow the revolution of the earth,
streaming independent media activism and community media projects from
across the globe.
Geneva_03 is asking all interested people to get involved with this
initiative. We are working to establish venues and schedules, as well as
options for accomodation and general survival in the expensive city of
There will be a further preparation meeting at the European Social Forum
in Paris in November.
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