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Commentary to the article "GM's £460m blueprint for 21st century car making" by David Gow in The Gardian June 30, 2001


"He said the decision to build a wholly new manufacturing plant on the 112-year-old Rüsselsheim site was "considerably influenced" by a "job security contract" between Opel and its works council."

1) "considerably influenced" = "martini bargaining"
2) "job security contract" = "sub-standard toilet paper"

"Under the "social workforce adjustment programme" some 7,400 staff have undergone retraining for the new production facilities, agreed new flexible hours and better attendance. Employees have also undertaken to carry out each other's jobs within the team and there will be widespread voluntary redundancies."

1) "workforce adjustment" = "kick in the crotch"
2) "retraining" = "brainwashing"
3) "flexible hours" = "rotating shifts"
4) "better attendance" = "do not get sick"
5) "carry out each other's jobs" = "complete union sellout"
6) "widespread voluntary redundancies" = "?????" (but it doesn't sound good)

"Production workers also enjoy what are said to be the most ergonomically advanced working conditions in any European plant, including work stations that can be adjusted for height as the line proceeds - and rest areas equipped with fridges and the like, along with on-site canteens."

Work your butt off and help the company cut jobs.... and you'll get a "fridge" for your bratwurst sandwich. These guys must be taking lessons from UAW reps.

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